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Beimbet Tanarykov

Beimbet Tanarykov

Date of Birth
29.01.1977 (48), Nur-Sultan

Who by the sign of the zodiac


Beimbet Tanarykov - leading soloist of the largest opera house in the capital. Performs the role of national heroes in classical productions. He puts meaning into every word, supporting it with gestures and lively mimics.

Creative path

The future singer from childhood showed his ability to sing. After graduation from school, Beimbet entered the Kazakh Academy of Music, received a specialty "Salt singing" in the class of Professor and Honored Worker of Arts of Kazakhstan Omarbayev. So far, the teacher often notes the merits of one of his most talented students in interviews.

From 2007 to 2013 he was one of the singers of the K. Baiseitova STOB. In the theatre, as part of his concerts, Beimbek Tanarykov played in Kazakh productions, particularly in Abai. For 6 years he has been a soloist at the Astana Opera State Technical Bureau. Beimbek Tanarykov's repertoire includes the following roles:

  • Birzhan (production of the same name),
  • Shege ("Kyz Zhibek");
  • Ahmet ("Kamar-sulu");
  • Parpiñol (Boheme) and others.

Beimbet Tanarykov: family life

Married, raising two children.

Interesting facts

  1. Participated in the contest of young talents of the Republic (2005);
  2. Became a laureate of "Kazakh Romance" (2008);
  3. He sings brilliantly not only in his native language but also in Russian and Italian.
  4. He was part of a company that made a sensation with his performing skills in Genoa at the Carlo Felice Theatre.