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«Отырар» мемлекеттік археологиялық музей-қорығы» РМҚК.

Address: Turkestan region, Otrarsky district, Shaulder village, Zhibek-Zholy Ave., 1

Phone: +77254421150

Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 18:00

The State Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Otyrar» is located in Turkestan, Kazakhstan. This museum-reserve is one of the most significant historical sites in Kazakhstan and represents a unique cultural and scientific value. 

The Otyrar Museum-Reserve was founded in 1980 and is located on the site of the ancient city of Otyrar, which was one of the largest and most important cities of Central Asia in antiquity. Many archaeological finds have been found here, which testify to the rich history of this region. In the museum-reserve «Otyrar» you can see many exhibits that reflect the history and culture of the ancient city. Among them are ceramics, weapons, jewelry, coins, as well as numerous archaeological finds that were discovered during excavations on the territory of Otyrar. 

One of the most interesting exhibits of the museum-reserve «Otyrar» is the mausoleum of Arslanbob, which was built in the 11th century and is one of the oldest structures on the territory of Kazakhstan. This mausoleum is a testament to the religious and cultural life of the ancient city of Otyrar. 

The State Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Otyrar» is not only a place where you can learn about the rich history of Kazakhstan, but also a scientific center where research and excavations are carried out. This museum-reserve is an important object of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan and attracts many tourists and researchers from all over the world.