Master classes in Kazakhstan

As one wise saying goes:"it's never too late to Learn." And you can acquire knowledge of many things: a scientific discipline, writing skills, a foreign language, or just the ability to control yourself from a good actor.

Master classes in Kazakhstan

Among the events that the master classes in Almaty and Astana offer to attend:

  • popularization of science and its application in everyday life;
  • practical ways to learn English;
  • creative evenings and secrets of literary craft of famous masters writers;
  • author's programs of artists.

However, remember that almost all lectures involve not only sitting still and listening to the speaker from the stage. Many of the teachers prefer to involve their students. Be prepared for this and think ahead: what would I like to find out about this topic?

Moreover, you should not have a question: go or not? Any speech of a competent person gives specific knowledge, some important information. In the future, this can help you in your life. So, take a notebook, pencil or pen and go for knowledge and opportunities!

The lecturer's identity

Of course, you are likely to be more willing to attend lectures by a famous person. First, it has already proved its worth in the issues raised by the topic of the speech. A good teacher will teach you more than just what to do or not to do. He will also tell you how to do all this.

And secondly, you will be just curious: not starred, not? Keep in mind that interactive events work both ways. You take most of the knowledge. But if the lecturer continues to learn and work on himself, then he must learn something from his audience. Be a part of it!

The online service Ticketon offers you to buy tickets to lectures by famous people on its website. We will help you if you have any difficulties. To do this, contact us directly and tell us what difficulty you have encountered.

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