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MEGA Park сауда орталығы

Address: Makatayev Street 127, the corner of Seifullin Avenue.

Contact number: 8 727 232-25-01, 8 (727) 232-26-28.

Metro: Zhibek-Zholy station.

Distance from the station: 1 800 meters.

Entrance: from Seifullin Avenue, Makatayev Street, and Torekulov Street.

Parking: ground parking for 50 cars. Check-in from the side of Makatayev Street. Paid.

MEGA Park in Almaty is a grandiose shopping and leisure center. In Mega 

other than shopping, you can go: 

at the cinema;
at sports and children's playgrounds;
in restaurants and cafes;
in supermarkets.
There are also frequent concerts and festivals, and the Chaplin Cinema in Mega on the Saifullin is the venue for the most anticipated movie screenings and premieres. You can buy tickets to the Mega Cinema online at the Ticketon service in just a few minutes and do not waste your time in line at the box office! 

Also on this page, you will find a map with the exact address of the MEGA Park Shopping Mall.