Shreds in the back streets
Children's musical performance based on Grigory Oster's fairy tale. Spring has come, the snow has melted, the sun has come out, the forest animals have woken up from their winter hibernation. Everyone rejoices at the arrival of a new warm season, but not the fox. Her house melted because it was made of ice, and then the fox decided to find a new home. How the events developed further, you will be told by the characters of the fairy tale.
Drozdetsky Vladimir Vladimirovich graduated from the State Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov of Almaty in 1992. Since 2004 he has been working in Temirtau Theatre for Children and Youth. From 1992 to 2014 he was the Artistic Director of the youth theatre studio of Temirtau.
He performs staging of performances in the theatre as a stage director. During his work in the theatre Vladimir has staged 17 performances, which were worthily presented at regional, republican and international festivals, where he repeatedly became a diploma winner or festival laureate.
Acting cast:
Hare - Anastasia Agafonova, Ekaterina Orishchenko
Fox - Evgenia Teslya-Yartseva
Rooster - Aidar Mukashev
Wolf - Nurlan Ibrayev
Bear - Vladimir Khomutov
Bull - Nikita Kolesov