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TURANDOT. The premiere!
Somewhere once upon a time in a far eastern country there lived a beautiful cruel princess who hated men and did not want to marry.... But one day she met a prince. And in just one night in the royal palace there were events that changed the lives of all the people.
The cast:
Turandot - Nazym Tөleubayeva
Elmira Kalbai
Ұлжан Zhumakhan
Kalaf - Nurbol Mynjasarov
Barakh - Rakhim Kenjaev
Izmail - Ersaiyn Nurimanov
Altoum - Zhuman Mukanov
Timur - Өrken Akhmet
Skirina - Aliya Maulymkhan
Zelima - Akherke Duisenbay
Adelma - Rabina Belgibayeva
Executioner - Kuzhakhmet Begaliev
Maski - Өrken Akhmet
Ersaiyn Nurimanov
Kuzhammet Begaliyev
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