тәулік бойы қолдау қызметі:
+998(90)359-44-80 +998(93)517-78-07
97 адам соңғы сағатта олар бұл оқиғаға қызығушылық танытты.

Шоу «Чо там? Титандардың Шабуылы және Джо Джо»

Билет сатып алу

When buying tickets, you are assigned specific seats in the hall. Changing seats is prohibited without the permission of the concert manager.

This event is purely for entertainment purposes, and does not aim to hurt/ offend/ offend anyone's feelings. Everything that is said on stage is presented exclusively in a humorous way.

Guests are collected one hour before the start of the event. If you are more than 30 minutes late, entry is prohibited.

Ticket refunds are only possible 72 hours before the start of the event!

By purchasing a ticket, you agree to all of these rules.