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Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit ( KATMK)

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«Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit» is a fairy tale based on the work of Joel Harris «Uncle Remus» Tales’ about how in the wild wild West, in the beautiful flowering prairie can not live amicably Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit. This is told to the audience by a young prairie resident Miss Jane.

Brother Fox not only chases Brother Rabbit, he constantly annoys other prairie dwellers: and Auntie Turtle (painted her house), and Auntie Sparrow (wants to make an ovary from her egg) and Brother Bear (poured water into the beehive and he was left without honey). The inhabitants of the prairie have repeatedly tried to teach the bully Fox a lesson, but evil cannot be defeated by evil. When Auntie Sparrow's hatched chicken called him a friend, Fox realised that he had been a bully because he had no friends. It is very hard to live when you have no friends! The story uses playful moments with the audience.