That's no way to live
Semyon Semyonovich Podsekalnikov, hurt by the fact that he does not work and lives on the dependence of his wife and mother-in-law, decides to commit suicide.
And suddenly it turns out that his death is needed by many people, his death is a marketable commodity that can be sold profitably.The news of the suicide mystically spreads around the neighbourhood, and now people who need this suicide are rushing to the house. Written in 1928, the play does not lose its relevance even now. On the tragedy and death of man speculate and in our time. Only the scale has become larger.
Actors and performers:
Podsekalnikov Semyon Semyonovich - Dmitry Tkachenko
Maria Lukyanovna (wife) - Olga Kalashnikova
Serafima Ilyinichna (mother-in-law) - Polina Savitskaya (Honoured Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Alexander Petrovich Kalabushkin - Vladimir Venger, Artem Moskalenko
Margarita Ivanovna Peresvetova - Daria Magomedova, Irina Moskalenko
Aristarkh Dominikovich Grand Skubik - Valikhan Kinjibaev (state award «For labour distinction», Excellent cultural worker of RK)
Viktor Viktorovich (writer) - Stanislav Bakhmutov
Egorushka (Egor Timofeyevich) - Maxim Vins, Nariman Kostyr
Nikifor Arsentyevich Pugachev (butcher) - Mikhail Kuzmin
Father Elpidiy (priest) - Dmitry Tyunin
Cleopatra Maksimovna - Rufina Ibragimova - Kylosova
Raisa Filipovna - Elizaveta Pyatova
Zinka Padespan - Ekaterina Klein
Grunya - Serafima Kostyr
Old ladies Lyubov Tormysheva, Olga Pavlova (Honoured Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Angelina Nedyuzhina (Honoured Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
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